
  • 产品名称:PTL弹簧冲击锤

  • 产品型号:F22.50
  • 产品文档:
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PTL弹簧冲击锤 F22.50 as described above, but with the five impact energies 0,20 J, 0,35 J, 0,50 J, 0,70 J and 1,00 J。

Impact energy


Article No.:

0,14 J

± 0,014 J

F 22.10

0,20 J

± 0,02 J

F 22.11

0,35 J

± 0,03 J

F 22.15

0,50 J

± 0,04 J

F 22.16

0,70 J

± 0,05 J

F 22.17

1,00 J

± 0,05 J

F 22.18

PTL Universal Spring Hammer

as described above, but with the five impact energies 0,20 J, 0,35 J, 0,50 J, 0,70 J and 1,00 J, to be selected by means of a disk with knurled edge, tolerances as scheduled above, supplied with PTL calibration certificate concerning the five impact energies and the release pressure,


Article No.: F 22.50

PTL spring-operated impact-test apparatuses with other impact energies, e. g. 2 J (F 22.20), other masses of the striking element, e. g. 500 g (F 22.20), other release forces, e. g. 20 N, and other hammer heads, e. g. made of steel with r = 25 mm (F 22.20):


on special request

Preserving Case,

made of wood, to keep one spring-operated impact-test apparatus, with floccular coated holders,


Article No.: F 22.80


粤公网安备 44049002000461号

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